It's the Exporters Stupid
Running an external surplus requires exporters to export. The right to export more than you import has a price. What does that mean on the other side of the trade?
Running an external surplus requires exporters to export. The right to export more than you import has a price. What does that mean on the other side of the trade?
The Resources you are looking for are in the Unemployment Queue
How the central bank setting interest rates above zero forces banks to pay interest on deposits
Another neoliberal throws in the towel in the face of unassailable facts and logic
Vitamin D personal experiment - update after initial 8 week supplementation
The phrase ‘money printing’ is shorthand for ‘I don’t know what I’m talking about’
Demonstrating how the Job Guarantee precisely offsets the drain to savings
Why the UK tax and benefits infrastructure is ready to implement a full Job Guarantee for all.
Adding a Job Guarantee to the peer reviewed mainstream agent model
Algorithm changes required to the Baseline Model to support a Job Guarantee