MMT on The Weekly

Kudos to the Australian contingent getting this sketch on The Weekly. Can’t see the BBC doing something like this - either about MMT or a decent comedy show.

23 Jul 2020 07:09 +0100 · 1 min · NeilW

The MMT Approach in a Nutshell

An overview of the Modern Money Theory viewpoint

20 Jul 2020 08:46 +0100 · 2 min · NeilW

Bonds Pay for Themselves

Why there is no need to raise taxes just because more government bonds have been issued

17 Jul 2020 13:35 +0100 · 3 min · NeilW

From Furlough to Full Employment: Part Deux

Overview of a UK Job Guarantee

14 Jul 2020 08:26 +0100 · 2 min · NeilW

From Furlough to Full Employment

Overview of a UK Job Guarantee

10 Jul 2020 08:41 +0100 · 1 min · NeilW

Another Fixed Rate Inconsistency?

Why do those people who agitate for a fixed exchange rate between currencies also advocate for a floating rate between government bonds and the currency? If a move between bonds and currency needs to be discouraged by a floating rate, then why doesn’t a move between a local currency and a foreign currency need to be discouraged by a floating rate? If the Euro is such a great idea across such a wide area, why aren’t Eurozone government bonds payable at par on demand at any bank in the Eurozone? ...

10 Jul 2020 07:37 +0100 · 1 min · NeilW

Robin Hood: MMT Edition

Updated Robin Hood Script for an Modern Money Theory World

3 Jul 2020 09:15 +0100 · 4 min · NeilW

Post War Banking Policy

From the archives: Post War Banking Policy - Reginald McKenna

3 Jul 2020 08:54 +0100 · 2 min · NeilW

Running a Modern Money Economy

Putting it all together

16 May 2017 18:12 +0100 · 16 min · NeilW

Savings Are an Export Product

Things make a lot more sense when you realise other currency areas love your savings products — a lot

5 May 2017 21:11 +0100 · 6 min · NeilW