MMT on The Weekly
Kudos to the Australian contingent getting this sketch on The Weekly. Can’t see the BBC doing something like this - either about MMT or a decent comedy show.
Kudos to the Australian contingent getting this sketch on The Weekly. Can’t see the BBC doing something like this - either about MMT or a decent comedy show.
An overview of the Modern Money Theory viewpoint
Why there is no need to raise taxes just because more government bonds have been issued
Overview of a UK Job Guarantee
Overview of a UK Job Guarantee
Why do those people who agitate for a fixed exchange rate between currencies also advocate for a floating rate between government bonds and the currency? If a move between bonds and currency needs to be discouraged by a floating rate, then why doesn’t a move between a local currency and a foreign currency need to be discouraged by a floating rate? If the Euro is such a great idea across such a wide area, why aren’t Eurozone government bonds payable at par on demand at any bank in the Eurozone? ...
Updated Robin Hood Script for an Modern Money Theory World
From the archives: Post War Banking Policy - Reginald McKenna
Putting it all together
Things make a lot more sense when you realise other currency areas love your savings products — a lot